Page 9 - The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Chapter 3
P. 9

During the follow-up appointment, the patient is asked whether the initial concern

            has  been  removed  and  if  there  are  any  other  concerns  he  or  she  has.  Then  objective
            evaluation of the patient’s oral hygiene, occlusion, the treated tooth and the fit of its new

            restoration,  and  overall  health  of  the  patient’s  dentition  is  completed.  Radiographs  are

            updated accordingly as well for comparison.

                 The post-operative follow-up or recall schedule should be set on a case-by-case
            basis, pending a variety of factors. The following summarizes the recommended recall

            schedule for typical non-surgical and surgical endodontic treatments. The operator is to
            use his/her discretion and adjust the schedule accordingly.

             Recall       Purpose/Reason

             1 week      Apicoectomy suture removal

                            Re-evaluation after incision and drainage
             2 weeks      Re-evaluation of soft tissue healing in cases with pre-operative abscess

             3 weeks      Assessment for permanent restoration,, core, crown, in cases

                              with pre-operative discomfort or pain
                            Assessment of temporomandibular joint and need for equilibration

             6 weeks        Evaluation for periradicular lesion healing
                            Assess need for open flap surgery in cases with pre-operative

                              periodontal disease

             2 months     Re-evaluation after apexogenesis, apexification, perforation repair,
                              apicoectomy, open flap surgery

             3 months     Evaluation post-periodontal surgery, lengthening
             6 months    Re-evaluation after direct pulp cap

                            Re-evaluation after non-surgical RCT of teeth with calcified canals or

                              large apical lesion
                            Re-evaluation after apexogenesis, apexification, perforation repair,


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