Page 8 - The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Chapter 3
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restore the health around the tooth. In these cases, the dentist must also ensure good

               apical and coronal seal following root canal treatment for long term success. On the
               other  hand,  some  longstanding  endodontic  infections  can  lead  to  secondary

               periodontal  infection.  In  these  instances,  or  when  both  infections  have  developed

               independent of each other but occurred at the same time, endodontic treatment should
               be  completed  FIRST,  followed  by  periodontal  treatments  of  deep  scaling/root

               planning/open  flap  surgery,  etc.  Both  etiologies  must  be  addressed  to  allow  for

               complete healing.

            3.  Occlusal Vector
                    Other sources of periapical lesions include clenching or grinding due to stress,
               parafunction caused by malocclusion, or long-term gum chewing habits. Over time, if

               these issues are not corrected and secondary damage to the pulpal and periodontal
               tissue ensues, then root canal and periodontal treatment must be completed to relieve
               the patient from pain and discomfort. Dentists must then complete a thorough
               examination to determine all the factors that may cause this traumatic occlusion and

               remove it in order for the apical tissues to fully heal.

            Recall Schedule

                 After  the  completion  of  each  endodontic  treatment,  a  responsible  dentist  should

            prepare a written letter for the patient outlining:
            a)    The treatment completed,

            b)    The current status of the tooth in question,
            c)    Post-operative instructions,

            d)    The materials used to seal the canals,

            e)    Whether or not the tooth can be used for normal chewing,
            f)    When the patient should return for follow-up appointments,

            g)    If any other treatments are required, inform the patient which dentist they would be
               seeing and their contact information, and

            h)    Any medications to take.

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