Page 7 - The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Chapter 3
P. 7

for healing to occur. When necessary, systemic antibiotics given will also aid in removal

            of the pathogen in these cases. This can be seen in extractions of infected teeth, once the
            tooth and granulation tissue are removed, the alveolar bone will eventually remodel and

            fill the socket. The key role of dentists, then, is to be able to correctly diagnose and treat

            the periapical lesions in order to stabilize the offended tooth and allow it to continue to
            function in the mouth.

            The Periodontal Status of the Offending Tooth is Crucial Both Before and

            After Root Canal Treatment

                 Endodontic and periodontal treatment results often determine whether or not a tooth

            can be preserved. Dr. Schilder often said that with a healthy periodontium, any diseased

            tooth  can  be  successfully  treated  with  root  canal  treatment  (either  non-surgically  or
            surgically). He believed that the survival of the tooth is not dependent on the vitality of

            its pulpal tissue, but rather the stability of the attachment apparatus surrounding the tooth.

            Complete Healing Can Only Occur After Elimination of All Etiologies

            1.  Crevicular/Sulcular Vector

                     If  the  lesions  around  the  root  are  solely  due  to  the  damage  of  the  periodontal

               apparatus  from  calculus  deposits,  such  as  breakage  of  the  periodontal  ligament  or
               resorption of the alveolar bone or  cementum, resulting in gingival inflammation or

               increased tooth mobility, as long as there is no secondary infection of the pulpal tissue,
               then complete healing of the lesion can be expected with periodontal treatment alone.

            2.  Endodontic Vector
                    If the pulpal tissue is irreversibly damaged due to caries, mechanical or chemical

               insult, tooth fracture, or pulp exposure, then root canal treatment must be completed to
               relieve the swelling and pain for the patient. If the apical lesion is only of endodontic

               origin,  where  the  pathogens  and  toxins  from  pulpal  necrosis  had  spread  to  the

               surrounding structures via various portal of exits, then endodontic treatment alone will
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