Page 6 - The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Chapter 3
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Chapter 3

            Vow to be the Guardian of Diseased Teeth – to Give them a Last

            Chance before Extraction

            By the end of this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:
            1.  How to assess if a painful tooth with a large peri-apical lesion and increased mobility

               can be saved?
            2.  When is the best time to initiate endodontic treatment on teeth with periodontal

            3.  What is the purpose of recalls and how do I determine its frequency after endodontic


            Supporting Structures of the Dentition

                 The attachment apparatus includes cementum, alveolar bone, and PDL fibres. They
            support and make sure tooth roots are attached firmly in the boney sockets. Under normal

            condition, they remodel and restructure overtime. However, once they have been infected
            or  traumatized  from  occlusion,  if  no  correction  is  made  to  allow  for  healing,  apical

            lesions  will  develop  and  grow,  resulting  in  a  mobile  tooth  that  cannot  function  to  the

            eventual loss of the tooth. From a developmental point-of-view, the attachment apparatus
            and  pulpal  tissues  all  originate  from  mesenchymal  cells,  and  therefore  have  a  lot  in

            common.  However,  the  greatest  difference  between  the  two  is  that  pulpal  tissues  are
            surrounded by dentin, and once root development is completed, collateral circulation is

            disconnected from the pulp. With the limited blood flow and lack of collateral circulation
            in the root canal system, systemic antibiotics cannot reach pulpal tissue and the pulp is

            restricted in its ability to repair itself through natural inflammatory response. On the other

            hand, the connective tissue around the root of the tooth is surrounded by an abundance of
            blood  circulation.  As  long  as  the  individual  does  not  have  any  pre-existing

            immunodeficiencies, removal of the pathogen will initiate the immune response required

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