Page 8 - The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Chapter 2
P. 8

prep without local anaesthetics will not inflict any discomfort. This will act to confirm

            the pre-treatment diagnosis that the abscess or draining fistula originated from said tooth.

            Overfilled Sealer Often Indicates Presence of Lateral Canals and Does

            Not Affect Healing

                 Healing will commence once thorough cleaning, shaping, and disinfection of the root
            canal  system  has  been  completed.  However,  a  properly  obturated  system  further

            illustrates the thoroughness of the previous steps. Clinically, obturation is aided by the
            use of sealer, as it is difficult getting warmed gutta percha into all small and irregular
            accessory canals. The sealer needs to be biocompatible to not interfere with healing. Dr.
            Schilder recommended materials that can be resorbed by the body in a reasonable time,
            allowing enough time for the macrophages to engulf the sealers, but not too fast that it

            abolishes the apical seal prior to healing resulting in reinfection of the apical portion. This
            way, at the six-months or one-year follow-up radiographs, healing of the apical lesion,
            reformation of lamina dura, and resorption of the overfilled sealer will be seen.

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