Page 10 - The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Chapter 2
P. 10

S     Age/Gender: 20F
                    CC: “Swelling on my gum”
                    HCC: The patient pointed to the abscess between  35 and  36.
              O     I/O: Gingival abscess on buccal gingiva between  35 and  36
                          35 Temporary restoration
                          36 Large class II amalgam restoration with M(R) caries
                    Rad: Sinogram with gutta percha cone points to  35 (Fig 21A)
                            Periapical radiolucency between  35 and  36 (Fig 21B)
                    Cavity Test:  35 (-)
              A     Dx:  35
                         Pulpal: Necrosis

                         Periapical: Chronic apical abscess

              P     Discussed proposed treatment plan with the patient. Informed consent obtained
                    to proceed.

                    1)  35 Root canal treatment
                       # 35 root canal treatment completed in one visit. Access opening without

                       local anaesthetics with no discomfort to the patient that was confirmed pulp
                       necrosis on  35.
                    2)  Follow-up
                       2-weeks – The gingival abscess has disappeared. Overfilled sealer can be

                                    seen at the apex in the post-obturation radiograph (Fig 21C).
                                    With consent from the patient, the old amalgam restoration on

                                    # 36 was removed without anaesthetics, and the pulpal status was

                                    normal, thus a new composite resin restoration was completed
                                    after caries removal.

                       6-weeks – The follow-up radiograph of  35 showed gradual healing of the
                                    apical lesion and reappearance of the lamina dura around the
                                    tooth (Fig 21D). The patient was advised to have a crown

                                    fabricated to restore the tooth and idealize occlusion. However,
                                    due to financial constraints, the patient opted for only an

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