Page 6 - The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Chapter 2
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Chapter 2

            Endodontic Treatment is Essentially Carrying out Infection

            Control of the Root Canal System

            By the end of this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:

            1.  How to create adequate coronal seal in cases with gross caries to ensure the
               effectiveness of the root canal treatment?
            2.  What are the differences in treatment modality in cases where there is pre-existing
               abscess (gumboil) or draining fistula?
            3.  Are sealers essential in obturation? Does sealer extrusion cause any adverse tissue

               reaction? What are the specific requirements for sealers in warm vertical compaction

            The Importance of Coronal Seal

                 Dentists often focus on creating an ideal apical seal hoping that will ensure treatment
            success,  however,  the  importance  of  a  coronal  seal  is  often  overlooked.  Dr.  Schilder
            always  reminded  his  students  that  the  prevention  of  any  pathogen  from  entering  and

            exiting the root canal system (via creation of apical and coronal seal) is as vital as the
            elimination of the pathogens in the system (via cleaning, shaping, and disinfection). One
            would need to start the process of preventing the pathogens from entering the root canal

            space even before root canal treatment commencement.

            Pre-treatment is Vital to the Success of Infection Control

                 The purpose of completing pre-treatment is to ensure proper coronal seal throughout
            the  entire  root  canal  treatment  procedure.  The  goal  for  isolation  is  to  prevent  any
            contamination into the root canal system once access cavity preparation has been initiated.
            Often  the  teeth  that  require  root  canal  treatment  either  have  large  caries  or  have  lost

            significant  coronal  tooth  structure  due  to  trauma,  therefore,  even  with  rubber  dam,
            adequate isolation may not be guaranteed. In some cases, dentists are forced to place the

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