Page 4 - The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Chapter 2
P. 4


            Introduction   ...................................................................................................................... 1

            Chapter 2   ........................................................................................................................... 3

              Case 21     Cavity test is often necessary to confirm the problematic tooth  ....................................... 7
              Case 22     Coronal seal and apical seal are equally important in ensuring the success and longevity

                          of root canal treatment   .................................................................................................. 10

              Case 23     In cases where the tooth had been initiated by another dentist, one would be concerned
                          of the treatment outcome as the original canal shape may have been mutilated,

                          however, as long as treatment protocol is followed and regular follow-ups are
                          maintained, the operator will be able to learn from each case and improve over time . 13

              Case 24     It is important to identify which teeth can be retained with endodontic treatment, and

                          which should be extracted, as part of the orthodontic treatment planning   .................. 17
              Case 25     Raised mucosal lesion of endodontic origin   ..................................................................... 25

              Case 26     Patient loyalty stems from their satisfaction to treatment   ............................................. 31

              Case 27     Only the operator understands the difficulty of endodontic treatment, but the patient

                          always knows whether they have been given the best care possible   ........................... 36

              Case 28     Sealer overfill will sometimes show the path of sinus tract development ........................ 42

              Case 29     The possible etiology for recurrent infection after root canal treatment ......................... 46

              Case 30    Extruded sealer does not affect healing of the apical lesion; How does one interact with

                          anxious patients that obtain all their dental information from the internet ................... 53
            Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 61

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