Page 9 - The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics (Chapter 4 - Part 2)
P. 9

Fig 45N
                                                            Post-op radiograph – Furcal radiolucency is visible
                                                            now that the palatal GP has been removed.

                 Fig 45O                                        Fig 45P
                 Extracted  26 shows the crack extending        Granulation tissue present in two areas:
                 from the distal surface onto the palatal       furcation  (with  crack)  and  at  the  apical
                 root.                                          exit of the missed MB2 canal.

                                                            Fig 45Q

                                                            1-year after  26 extraction, implant and crown
                                                            placed.  The  patient  was  happy  with  the
                                                            treatment result.

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