Page 6 - The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics (Chapter 4 - Part 2)
P. 6

Case 45

            Even with crown coverage, cracks may still progress

                       Fig 45A

                       Periodontal and occlusal assessments were both within normal limits and
                       overall dentition appears to be healthy.

                   Fig 45B                                        Fig 45C
                   # 26  was  previously  root  canal  treated    # 26 has a well-sealed crown.  36 and  37

                   with  a  radiolucent  lesion  around  the      both have restorations that are far from
                   buccal  roots.  The  palatal  canal  may       the pulp. The horizontally impacted  38
                   have been over instrumented.                   has been asymptomatic so far.
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