Page 10 - The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics (WL and C/S)
P. 10

Fig A20

                                                         When transferring the working length from one file
                                                         to  the  other,  the  larger  file  will  need  to  be  pre-
                                                         curved to the same degree as the smaller used file.
                                                         Then holding them side-by-side, adjust the rubber

                                                         stopper to mark the working length.

                                                          Fig A21

                                                          As  the  canal  is  being  shaped  and

                                                          straightened,  the  working  length  will
                                                          decrease.  This  image  shows  the  files
                                                          used after shaping the same canal.

                                                           Fig A22
                                                           When  the  master  cone  is  fitted  and  an

                                                           appropriate tugback is achieved, mark the cone
                                                           at  the  external  reference  point  with  a  cotton
                                                           plier. Then place this cone side by side with the

                                                           master  apical  file  and  compare  their  lengths
                                                           prior  to  taking  the  cone  fit  radiograph.  This
                                                           allows for a quick comparison without the need
                                                            for an endo ruler to verify the working length.

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